We have two available funding streams for school visits that schools are potentially eligible for – Transport funding and admissions funding. We also have funding available for school outreaches. All types of funding are dependent on where your school is located and the SIMD decile of this area – you can find out this information using your postcode at: https://simd.scot/
Our team will confirm any eligibility for funding once your visit has been confirmed. Please note funding for schools is not guaranteed and subject to availability, and may also be subject to quotation. The below bandings may change, and any funding alongside the exact percentage to be reimbursed will be confirmed at the point of booking.
Please also note we can only reimburse travel costs associated with chartered transport costs, and we are unable to compensate any petrol costs or other modes of transport.
In order to confirm any transport funding we need to receive a quote.
Transport Funding
We can potentially offer transport funding to assist with any chartered transport costs as part of your travel to the Dundee Science Centre. To be eligible for assistance with transport costs to the centre, your primary or secondary school must be located within a decile 6 area (according to the SIMD index) or lower. If eligible, these are our current bandings;
SIMD decile 1 & 2 – 80% reimbursement of chartered or public transport costs
SIMD decile 3 & 4 – 60% reimbursement of chartered or public transport costs
SIMD decile 5 & 6 – 40% reimbursement of chartered or public transport costs
UR6 5 &6 – 80% reimbursement of chartered or public transport costs
UR6 3 & 4 – 60% reimbursement of charted or public transport costs
In order to confirm any transport funding we need to receive a quote.
Admissions Funding
We can potentially offer admissions funding to assist or cover any admission costs associated with a visit to the Dundee Science Centre. To be eligible for free entry to the centre, you must be visiting from a council run nursery school or primary school (P1-P7) located within the City of Dundee in a decile 4 area (according to the SIMD index) or lower.
Outreach Funding
We have a limited amount of funding to cover any costs associated with running a workshop outreach session, for schools located within a decile 4 area (according to the SIMD index) or lower, and within the city of Dundee or close geographic area – please see a map of locations below;
There may be funding available for demonstration/activity outreaches, as well as bespoke outreaches, but this is on a case by case basis. Please contact us to discuss this in further detail.
Process for reimbursement of transport costs
The process for reclaiming any confirmed funding for transport costs is as follows;
- Book and pay for your travel requirements – please note that we can only reimburse for chartered or public transport costs, and we are unable to compensate any petrol costs.
- Send us (1) the invoice that shows the full amount and (2) confirmation of payment. Please note we do require an invoice for this and cannot accept a quote. The invoice must show that a payment has been made. If you could please name your subject line as “SCHOOL NAME – INREACH” and send this to finman@dundeesciencecentre.org.uk
- All claims for transport funding must be submitted within 30 days of your visit date, and any claims submitted after this time will not be reimbursed.
- We can provide reimbursement in the form of a bank transfer or cheque; for a bank transfer please also include the following in your email – the name of the account, account number, and sort code. For a cheque, please include who the cheque is to be made out to.
- Once received DSC will confirm this and begin to process the reimbursement.